Author: J.K Rowling Illustrator: Mary GrandPre’ Rating: 8/10 Age: 10+ Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Magic, Suspense Pages: 620 Published in: July 2007 Main Characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Voldemort Synopsis: Harry decided that he should leave Privet Drive and join Ron Weasley at the Burrow to prevent Voldemort from tracking him down The Order of the Phoenix, led by Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody, arrived to take Harry to his new home at the Weasleys’ house, the Burrow. Six of Harry’s friends took the Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves as Harry and act as decoys, and they all flew off in different directions. The Death Eaters, alerted to their departure by Snape, attacked Harry and his friends. Voldemort chased Harry down, but Harry’s wand fought Voldemort off, without Harry’s help. When Harry arrived at the Burrow, they all realised that Moody had been killed on the way. Harry had begun to get visions of Volde...