Author: Tahereh Mafi Rating: 9/10 Age: 12+ Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Science Fiction, Suspense Pages: 338 Published in: 2011 Main Characters: Juliette, adam, Aaron Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old, Juliette Ferrars is in a cell. She has been there 264 days, alone. She has seen no-one and spoken to no-one. Food comes through a slot in the door, once or sometimes twice a day. Once a day her cell opens and she can walk along unlit stone passageways to a toilet and shower. Her mind is breaking down. She repeats things, she counts things, she scribbles her thoughts in a small notebook, then crosses out the bad thoughts. She stands at the window daydreaming of birds. At night she dreams of a bird with golden plumage, flying in the sky. Juliette’s touch can inflict intense pain. She was incarcerated after she killed a small boy trying to help him up when he fell. Her parents hated her and wanted rid of her. She is joined by a cellmate. A boy who takes both beds and both blankets and ign...