Author: David Walliams Illustrator: Tony Ross Rating: 09/10 Age: 9+ Genre: Fiction, Adventure,Humour Pages: 477 Published in: Nov 2016 Main Characters: Tom, Porter, Midnight gang members, Sally Synopsis: This story is about a young boy named Tom Charper. Tom woke up confused in the very strange Lord Funt Hospital. He soon realised he’s there because he had been hit on the head with a cricket ball at St Willet’s Boarding School for Boys and, after being assessed by a doctor (not much older than himself), he is moved to the Children’s Ward. It isn’t very pleasant here, as the whole ward his run by a matron who HATES children. Even when Tom thought that these days will be the most boring days in his life, he soon found out that he was wrong. It is here that he discovers the Midnight Gang. The Midnight Gang was a secret gang of children who went on midnight adventures in the hospital. Not just any adventures, ...